Located on Paris Spatiale
Ajax Arms and Armors – “The best defense is great offensive capability.”
Originally funded by the Gaule Protectorate, Ajax Arms and Armors has since come into its own and far outgrown any requirements for government funding (though they do still maintain a fairly lucrative contract of exclusivity with the Gaule). With a penchant for crafting highly effective weaponry that deal death in a manner of creative methods, Ajax has, in the cycles following the Catastrophe, grown quite popular indeed.
Historically, Ajax was a mercenary group that was paid handsomely to undertake certain black ops missions that governments or corporations did not necessarily want to be associated with. Their line of work being particularly high risk, the group tended to use the bulk of their profits to pay in house engineers to craft and maintain their gear to the highest of standards.
Before long, the quality and performance of both their offensive as well as defensive gear began to become the subject of much praise among various organizations and thus, one day, they received a request for equipment rather than manpower. Recognizing the opportunity this afforded, both in terms of credits but as well as a much safer route of business, Ajax Arms and Armors was soon born.