Be aware that you can be attacked almost everywhere. A Guest Room is the only place on-station where you cannot be attacked by other players, as they can't actually see you there. Safety is only a few credits away! While staying here you are protected against assault, and you can also pass the time training your Intelligence.
The picture on the marquee outside made it look like paradise. You close the blinds to block out the neon flicker and give the mattress a quick flip to eject whatever has taken up residence. This may not be old Earth, but you can get some peace and that is paradise enough.
Welcome Text
Welcome organic Citizen.
Please select your preferred stay then initiate relaxation protocols.
Additional information from the storyline
In The Wayfarer Inn's Guest Room at Tau Station, I've met Evangeline starting the mission Prologue: Fighting off the Pod Fog, when she got some of my white goop on her shoes following my decanting sickness (pod hangover). I've also run here the Post-Gestation Re-Calibration Program (Prologue: Fighting off the Pod Fog).
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