Interconnected Steel Rings
It seems to be a part of a system to hold pipes in place. It also seems to double as a handy set of knuckles. Emits a low-grade charge on the outer edges, probably to deter pests from the pipes.
Hand-to-Hand Weapon (Club)
Range: Short
Tier: 1
Rarity: Common
- Piercing Damage: 0
- Impact Damage: 0
- Energy Damage: 3
Accuracy: 0.021
Weight: 2.72 Kg
Value: 110 cr
- Sold at Kraven's Things and Stuff on Daedalus
- Sold at Ubina One-Life Trades on Daedalus
- Sold at André's shop on Nouveau Limoges
page revision: 6, last edited: 30 Oct 2019 03:39