Ship Scanning


Contraband! Pirates! Spies! Help us keep Sol System safe by working with security to scan inbound ships. We pay credits for your service.

Start: Side Jobs, Sol Jump Gate


You have a job: Ship Scanning, accepted at Sol Jump Gate in the Sol system.

Talk to Mazhar at the Security Station on Sol Jump Gate.

Next NPC: Mazhar, Security, Sol Jump Gate

  • Ask Mazhar about the Ship Scanning job

Mazhar says, What's that? Ship scanning? Oh yeah, the port crew was asking for help, now that you mention it. They're always complaining that there are more ships coming through the gate than they can handle.

He yawns and picks up his slate.

Mazhar says, Alright <name>, I'm giving you temporary access to the station's scanners. Head over to the Port and scan five ships. The process is almost entirely automated. You enter in the preliminary data about the inbound ships, and if the computer finds anything nasty our security vessels will intercept them. Come back when you're done and I'll give you some credits.

Scan 5 Ships in the Port.

Next area: Port, Sol Jump Gate

  • Scan the ship coming through the jump gate.

(Intelligence check)

You complete your scan of the freighter.

You use the port's scanning terminal to scan the ship. After a moment, large green letters flash over a 2D schematic of the ship: "Scan Complete."

Scan 4 ships in the Port.

  • Scan the ship coming through the jump gate.

(Intelligence check)

You scan the inbound security corvette.

You're starting to get the hang of this! Keep it up!

Scan 3 ships in the Port.

  • Scan the ship coming through the jump gate.

(Intelligence check)

You complete your scan of the inbound personnel transport.

The scanning terminal flashes, warning that something about the inbound ship's credentials are off. You alert security and watch as one of the patrol vessels breaks off to approach the personnel transport.

Scan 2 ships in the Port.

  • Scan the ship coming through the jump gate.

(Intelligence check)

You complete your scan of the inbound cargo carrier.

Only one more ship to go!

Scan 1 ship in the Port.

  • Scan the ship coming through the jump gate.

(Intelligence check)

You complete your scan of the inbound express shuttle.

The jump gate has been busy, but traffic seems to be winding down and there are no more ships coming through for the moment. Your careful scans didn't reveal any security concerns on the inbound ships.

Talk to Mazhar in the Security Office to get paid.

Next NPC: Mazhar, Security, Sol Jump Gate

  • Ask Mazhar for your payment.

Mazhar is asleep in the chair behind his desk until the sound of your approaching footsteps startles him awake. His bleary eyes light with recognition when he sees you.

Mazhar says, Oh it's you! You're finished? Good work. I ought to fire those lazy drecks and let you handle the scanners all the time. Here are the credchips I promised.


You have completed the 'Ship Scanning' job.

You have received 25.00 credits.

<— Return to Sol Jump Gate

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