
Additional information from the storyline

Lunt told me a wide-spread rumour about some ancient pre-cat style unmanned ship appearing and disappearing around the system at København loaded to the hull with tech, and riches. Maybe even seeds and resources. Captain Drake's navigational officer LeTestu charted a star-map with a predictive path to find it, as he thought it could pass close by København, on its way to the Sol Jump Gate. She even killed Doughty for it (X Marks Our Shot).

Plenty of privateers would love to snare the thing, and she was looking to sell it to any buyer. Drake's buyer was Red Jane. It was very valluable and "too rich for the nanos of any sad sod" and "too pricey for the average star dog" as it could lead to a great treasure. According to Icos it was worth a few million credits (X Marks Our Shot).

Drake was holding the star-map waiting for Red Jane's crew in the Shipping Bay København Shipping Services at København, when she was killed iby a hooded woman sent by LeTestu, in turn shot killed by DZ agents as she escaped with the star-map. They got it as "official Consortium business" (X Marks Our Shot).

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